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What is dog hip dysplasia

Dog hip dysplasia is a common skeletal condition often seen in larger breeds of dogs but can affect dogs of any size.

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Who needs a dog brace

A dog back brace may be recommended for various reasons depending on the individual dog's condition and needs.

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What is ACL brace for dogs

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in dogs, often referred to as the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in veterinary terms, serves a similar function as the ACL in humans.

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What is a dog lift harness

A dog lift harness is a specially designed harness that helps support a dog’s body weight, either partially or fully, depending on the need.

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What is a back leg support for old dogs

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in dogs, often referred to as the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) in veterinary terms, serves a similar function as the ACL in humans.

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What is dog ankle brace

A dog ankle brace, also referred to as a hock brace, is a supportive device designed specifically for the lower leg and ankle area of a dog, which corresponds anatomically to the human ankle and calf.

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How does a dog knee braces help dogs

Dog knee braces, also known as stifle braces, are orthopedic devices designed to provide support and stabilization to a dog's knee joint.

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